Are you always confident about the fees you charge for your work?
At some point, regardless of whether you work in an organisation or for yourself, there is the dilemma of trying to figure out how much to charge for your services. Charge too high and you might price yourself out of the market and lose the business. Charge too low, and you are leaving money on the table and potentially painting yourself into a corner, from which it can be difficult to recover.
Depending on your field or specialty, your fellow consultants, contractors and service providers might not be as forthcoming with such information as you might have hoped. However, even if you figured out how much to charge, it is still always beneficial to be able to consider it within the context of what your peers might be charging.
However, for those of you who work in the Caribbean region, it is not only a challenge to get sense of what professional fee rates might obtain in an individual country, but also across the region. In light of the insulation and isolation consultants, contractors and service providers are likely to feel from time to time, we have created a Survey of Consulting, Contracting and Services Provision Fees Charged in the Caribbean, which we ask that you complete.
The survey consists of 16 questions, and could be completed in less than ten (10) minutes. Please note that we do not ask for any personally identifiable information; hence we ask that you be as honest as possible in your responses. Ultimately, we are trying to get – and eventually share with you – as accurate a picture as possible of the professional fees being charged for local, regional and internationally-funded projects.
Finally, we also ask that you share this survey with your fellow consultants, contractors and service providers to help us get as wide a sample as possible, and thus more authoritative results.
We look forward to your support!
(Photo: cybrgrl, flickr)
Great initiative! Wishing it active, wide and accurate participation.
Thanks Jason, and hoping you will share the survey link with your colleagues and associates.
I have shared it via WhatsApp to local ICT and infosec circles. I’ve liked your Tweet. It is well crafted by the way.
I’ll probably circulate it more if I remember or happen upon it in an easily shareable manner.
Local, regional, international survey promotion: $0 USD fee. Looking forward to the results.
Thank you Jason for your generosity and support!
I will continue to share the link on social media, as it is important to get as wide participation as possible in order to get decent results…
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