Are you always confident about the fees you charge for your work?
What to charge for your work is a frequent point of hesitation for many consultants, contractors and service providers. In the Caribbean, the problem tends to be more pronounced, as the typical rates being charged locally in one’s field may not be readily available. Further, if one might be interesting in bidding on projects in other countries in the region, finding such information is even more of a challenge.
To that end, and since it has been over two years since we published the results of our inaugural exercise, we think it is opportune to determine whether or not, or the extent to which professional fee rates have changed across the Caribbean region. We thus invite you to complete our 2019 Survey of Consulting, Contracting and Services Provision Fees Charged in the Caribbean.
The survey consists of 16 questions, and can be completed in less than ten (10) minutes. Please note that we do not ask for any personally identifiable information; hence we ask that you be as honest as possible in your responses. Ultimately, we are trying to get – and eventually share with you – as accurate a picture as possible of the professional fees being charged for local, regional and internationally-funded projects.
Finally, we also ask that you share this survey with your fellow consultants, contractors and service providers to help us get as wide a sample as possible, and thus more authoritative results.
We look forward to your support!
Image: PublicDomainPictures.net