
Ministry assures: Machinery procurement above board

In a statement on Monday, the Ministry sought to correct media reports it said placed misinformation in the public domain.

The Ministry assured that all the required procurement processes were followed in the procurement of the equipment.

Further, it said the contract for the sup­ply, in­stal­la­tion, and com­mis­sion­ing of equipment for a Mol­e­c­u­lar Biology Lab­o­ra­to­ry was awarded on February 6, 2018 by the Central Tenders Board to Massy Integrated Retail Limited (Massy Distribution Division) at a total cost of $40,645,357.20.

The contract covers a five-year period.

The legal agreement, prepared by the Chief State Solicitor’s Department, Ministry of the Attorney General & Legal Affairs, was signed by Massy Integrated Retail Limited and the Ministry on March 20.

The Ministry added that it is understandable and common that a contract of such a significant value would have a lengthy deliberation process before parties arrive at a final agreement.




Image:  fernando zhiminaicela (Pixabay)