
Fiddling while Rome burns

Trinidad and Tobago

If the Government would stop procrastinating and ­fully operationalise the Office of the Procurement Regu­lator, there would be independent oversight of the tender process for all these special-purpose companies spending public money. This includes UdeCOTT with its dubious Calder Hart history.

As it stands, the public is still waiting on the attorney general to take a Note to Cabinet to have the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property Regulations take lawful effect. The AG would say he is waiting on the finance minister to allocate funds to the SPEs for resourcing procurement officers. Minister Imbert, however, now tells the public he is waiting on the AG. The prime minister remains complicity silent. So, the emperors continue to fiddle while Rome burns, leaving taxpayers to foot the bill.




image: pexels-rodnae-productions