
Guyana denies claims of acquiring COVID vaccines from ‘shady’ sources

GEORGETOWN, Guyana (CMC) — The Guyana government has strongly denied acquiring vaccines to treat the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic from anyone facing legal troubles, insisting that its vaccination programme is aimed at saving the lives of all Guyanese.

“At no time did Guyana procure vaccines from any illegal entity or anyone in trouble with legal authorities anywhere. At no time did Guyana access vaccines secretly from anyone,” the Ministry of Health said in a statement on Wednesday night.

Earlier this week, Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon called on President Irfaan Ali to disclose the details regarding the purchase of the Russian made Sputnik V coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines from a member of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) ruling family who visited Guyana last year.

“A full explanation of the vaccine racket is demanded of President Irfaan Ali by the Guyanese people,” Harmon said with regards to the one billion dollar (One Guyana dollar=US$0.004 cents) purchase.

“This level of industrial scale corruption by the installed People’s Progressive Party (PPP) regime has been disclosed at a time when Guyanese are suffering from a COVID-19 pandemic, the worst flood disaster in our history, high and rising cost of living, low wages and salaries paid to public servants and blatant discrimination by the installed PPP regime in the manner it manages the affairs of the state,” Harmon added.

But in its lengthy statement, the Ministry of Health said the purchase of the vaccines was above board.

“Guyana has not procured vaccines from any illegal source as far as Mr. Harmon’s claim that the Government procured vaccines from any international fraudster; this is blatantly false. We are not aware of, have not seen any evidence, and none was presented by the Leader of the Opposition, or any other person or entities, that show Sheik Al Maktoum is an international fraudster or wanted in any country,” the statement said.



image: pexels-nataliya-vaitkevich