
Ministry of Infrastructure Development Gives Update on Road Works in the Country

The Ministry of Infrastructure Development has also announced the launch of several road projects. In February last year, GOB, through a loan from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and grant funding from the United Kingdom Caribbean Infrastructure Partnership Fund (UKCIF), announced the paving of the Coastal Highway. Love News spoke with Chief Engineer at the Ministry of Infrastructure Development, Lennox Bradley, who gave an update on the works being done on this vital piece of road.

Lennox Bradley, Chief Engineer, Ministry of Infrastructure Development: “We also have under construction the coastal highway. That’s about 36.3 miles of road. That project is at least a year in construction, it has another year and a half before it’s completion and Imer Hernandez was awarded the contract for the coastal highway upgrade. Again that was an open tender process. It was open, it was let to both international and national firms. Again we were lucky in having a local firm being awarded that contract. Again it was in accordance with the procurement regulation of the funding agency. That road will be extremely helpful to the development of Belize. It reduces journey time and it makes the transportation industry a bit more efficient. So we really in terms of the national road network the Ministry is making great strides in trying to improve access, improving connectivity for Belizeans in general.”

Bradley explained more about the ministry’s efforts in the south and how they were able to provide the residents of Machakilha Village with greater road access.



